Club Management
BSC is a club based on being a collection of members. We have a formal constitution (see our website here) that sets out how the club is organised.
A Main Committee manages the club and it is made up of 4 officers (Commodore, Vice-Commodore, Hon. Secretary and Hon. Treasurer) as well as committee members representing Sailing, Membership, Junior Affairs, Premises and Safety.
All members of the Committee are volunteers and they meet monthly to oversee all aspects of the club.
The Committee itself is elected each year at an AGM which, in recent years, has taken place early in the new year. It is also at the AGM that the annual accounts are presented to members and any formal motions can be debated by the membership.
Eligibility to vote at the AGM is dependent on the membership class to which you belong and further details about this, the Committee members and our constitution can be found on our website.
Last updated 15:26 on 27 July 2024