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Home / News / BSC hosts SeaBray weekend
Home / News / BSC hosts SeaBray weekend

BSC hosts SeaBray weekend

Published 10:26 on 22 May 2023

The weekend's glorious weather made for a very pleasant introduction to sailing for the twelve lucky recruits who were on our SeaBray Introduction to Sailing weekend course which took place on Friday evening, Saturday, and Sunday.

Over the three days they were well looked after by Instructors Rian, Felix, Emily K, and Elodie, assisted by Erin, Isabella and Alannah.

On Sunday their Dinghies joined the juniors' Pico Club dinghies to make a colourful sight in Sunday's sunshine.

The light winds meant that the trainees got to try a few different dinghies and they made great progress over the couple of days.

Most of them have already joined the Club, and we look forward to them joining in the SkillBuild session this summer with the eight new trainees who've already joined SkillBuild since the start of the season.

Photo shows Emily K carrying out a safety and course plan briefing prior to going out on the water.

Last updated 14:11 on 4 May 2024

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